The Modern Chinese Medicine Hall integrates traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. The two blocks on the first and first floors represent tradition and modernity. The façade is reshaped while retaining the original structure of the building. The rhythm of the surface is created through alternating solid and translucent materials. Through the emptiness and solidity of the building materials and space, the emphasis is on the emptiness and stability, the yin and yang of Chinese medicine. You embody the concept of the fusion of the ancient and the modern.
Project Name: Outpatient Department of Beijing Urban Construction Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd Project Location: Beijing Project Period: February 2022 - May 2022 Project Stage: Completed Type of project: Interiors Design Project Area: 793m² Client: BEIJING URBAN CONSTRUCTION ROAD AND BRIDGE GROUP CO., LTD. Principal Designer: Shang Hu Chen Design Team: Xia Fuxiang, Li Chunxi, Zhao Yu